Sports Scenario's


Mind Map on Sports Scenario's, created by Dannielle Kidd on 04/12/2014.
Dannielle Kidd
Mind Map by Dannielle Kidd, updated more than 1 year ago
Dannielle Kidd
Created by Dannielle Kidd over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Sports Scenario's
  1. Age
    1. Athletes peak between the age of 25-35
      1. You can still continue with a certain sport after that age however it is highly likely your skills will decrease
      2. Training
        1. Role Models
          1. Can improve motivation
          2. Diet
            1. It is better to eat a diet consisting of starchy carbohydrates and or protein when training
              1. You should leave it between 1 and 4 hours before exercising after you have ate
                1. Media
                  1. Sponsorships
                    1. Time
                      1. Leisure Time


                        • Sometimes can be lost due to training
                        1. Training time, Sometimes it can costs quite a bit so trainings not always cheap to attend to
                        2. Career
                          1. University
                            1. To be a professional you have to be extremely talented at that specific sport
                              1. Volunteering
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