Biology Semester 1


Biology Mind Map on Biology Semester 1, created by madison on 16/12/2014.
Mind Map by madison, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by madison over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Biology Semester 1
  1. Ecology
    1. Sucession
      1. Primary
        1. Secondary
        2. Interactions
          1. Growth Patterns
            1. Logistic
              1. Limiting Factors
              2. Exponential
              3. Food Chains
                1. Food Webs
              4. Cells
                1. Diffusion
                  1. Active
                    1. Passive
                      1. Facilitated
                        1. Tonicity
                          1. Hypotonic
                            1. Hypertonic
                              1. Isotonic
                            2. Cell Parts
                              1. Cell Types
                                1. Prokaryote
                                  1. Eukaryote
                                2. Macromolecules
                                  1. Protein
                                    1. Carbohydrates
                                      1. Nucleic Acid
                                        1. Lipids
                                          1. Monomers
                                            1. Polymers
                                          2. Cell Division
                                            1. Mitosis
                                              1. Meiosis
                                                1. Cancer
                                                2. Inheritance
                                                  1. Complete Dominance
                                                    1. Incomplete Dominance
                                                      1. Codominance
                                                        1. Sex Linked
                                                          1. Multiple Allele
                                                            1. Polygenic
                                                              1. Punnet Squares
                                                                1. Dihybrid Crosses
                                                              2. Atoms
                                                                1. Protons
                                                                  1. Neutrons
                                                                    1. Electrons
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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