The Push Toward War


high school World History II Mind Map on The Push Toward War, created by Sophia A on 25/01/2015.
Sophia A
Mind Map by Sophia A, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia A
Created by Sophia A about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Push Toward War
  1. Alliances
    1. Uniting of Central Powers
      1. Uniting of Allies
        1. Russian agreements with smaller Slavic nations
          1. Agreements to defend each other
          2. Economic Conflicts
            1. Rivalries among Britain, Germany and France
              1. Desire to be aleader of industry
                1. Competition for colonies
                2. Militarism
                  1. Need to be ready for war
                    1. Image of war as glorious
                      1. Race to build bigger armies and navies
                        1. Growing power of military leaders
                        2. Nationalism
                          1. German pride in military and industry
                            1. French anger toward Germany for earlier losses
                              1. Russian loyalty to all Slavic people
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