How airbnb found a mission — and a Brand


Mind Map on How airbnb found a mission — and a Brand, created by Aris Corredor on 15/09/2019.
Aris Corredor
Mind Map by Aris Corredor, updated more than 1 year ago
Aris Corredor
Created by Aris Corredor over 4 years ago

Resource summary

How airbnb found a mission — and a Brand
  1. Sometime in 2013, Airbnb started thinking about reorienting its entire mission and center of gravity
    1. In 2014 - The company had a new logo to symbolize and a new mission statement
      1. To make people around the world feel like they could “belong anywhere.
        1. The new logo this: a cute squiggly shape it called the “Bélo"
          1. Chesky explained the concept in a cerebral, highminded essay on Airbnb’s website
            1. Airbnb would be the one place people could go to meet the “universal human yearning to belong."
              1. In 2016 a protester in San Francisco charges that landlords evicted tenants to facilitate Airbnb rentals
          2. Airbnb had a third constituency it needed to enlist
            1. Not just employees and guests, but the people who rent out their houses and apartments
              1. The number of Airbnb listings dwarfs the quantity of rooms in even the largest hotel chains
                1. it neither owns nor controls any of the inventory, nor the behavior of any of the people offering it
                  1. Chesky lobbied Conley and eventually recruited him into a full-time position, in the fall of 2013, as global head of hospitality and strategy
                    1. Conley traveled to 25 cities, giving talks and offering tips to help apartment dwellers channel their inner innkeeper
                      1. He developed a mentoring program wherein experienced hosts could teach new ones good hospitality.
            2. Airbnb involves the most intimate human interactions: visiting people in their homes, sleeping in their beds, using their bathrooms.
              1. That is precisely what makes it objectionable to so many people who can never imagine using it.
              2. “Airbnb is humanity.”
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