

Descripciones generales de Atmel enfocado en las familias de microprocesadores
Miguel Alemañy F
Mind Map by Miguel Alemañy F, updated more than 1 year ago
Miguel Alemañy F
Created by Miguel Alemañy F about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Microcontroladores
    1. Familia
      1. AVR de 8 y 32 bits MCUs
        1. 32-bit AVR UC3
          1. AVR XMEGA microcontroller
            1. megaAVR Microcontroller
              1. 8-bit tinyAVR microcontroller
                1. Automotive AVR
                2. INTELIGENTE MCU basado en ARM
                  1. SAMA5 Cortex-A5 MPU Embedded
                    1. SAM D microcontroladores ARM Cortex
                      1. SAM E ARM Cortex-M7 Microcontroladores
                        1. SAM G ARM Cortex M4 + FPU Microcontroladores
                          1. Microcontroladores basados ​​en Cortex-SAM L ARM
                            1. SAM3N Cortex M3 MCU Flash
                            2. 8051 Architecture
                              1. Flash ISP - Single Cycle Core
                                1. Flash ISP (In-System Programmable)
                                  1. Flash (Reprogrammable)
                                    1. CAN Networking MCUs
                                      1. USB MCUs
                                        1. Lighting MCUs
                                          1. ROMless
                                        2. Se pueden clasificar por
                                          1. Propósito General
                                            1. Propósito Especifico
                                              1. Medicina
                                                1. Industrial
                                                  1. Automotriz
                                                    1. Dispositivos Móviles
                                                2. Touch Solutions
                                                  1. Touchscreen Controllers
                                                    1. Touch Sensors
                                                      1. Sensor Hub
                                                        1. Buttons, Sliders and Wheels
                                                        2. Wireless connectivity
                                                          1. Wi-Fi
                                                            1. Smart RF
                                                              1. RF Identification
                                                                1. IR Control
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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