Abraham - founder of Judaism


Mind Map on Abraham - founder of Judaism, created by gavin4734 on 11/02/2015.
Mind Map by gavin4734, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gavin4734 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Abraham - founder of Judaism
  1. Abram Born in UR, Mesopotomia 1900 - 1700 bc
    1. Moved with father to Haran
      1. God spoke to him in Canaan, the Promised land
        1. God told him to move to Canaan with his family
    2. Monotheism - believe in one God
      1. Ploytheism - to believe in more than one God
      2. Wife Sarai - meaning Mockery
        1. Sarai could not have Children
          1. Sarai Slave's - Hagar from Egypt
            1. Sarai's plan for Hagar was for her to have a baby with Abraham - allowed under Old testament law
              1. Sarai planed to adopt the baby when it was born
                1. Hagar became pregnant and proud was hateful to Sarai
                  1. Sarai told her to go away
                    1. Hagar left but God meets her, he told her her son would be great and to go back
                      1. Hagar is Egyptian and a Polytheism but God talks to her this shows God's special relationship with Abraham
                    2. First fall out
                  2. Son Born - ISHMAEL - God has heard
                    1. later Hagar and Sarai fall out
                      1. Sarai tell Abraham to send Hagar & Ishmael away
                        1. Hagar tries to leave Ishmael in the Desert
                          1. God meets her, rescues them and renews his promise
                        2. Second fall out
              2. The Covenant, a special promise
                1. God's promise - I shall be your God and you my People
                  1. You will have many descendants
                    1. I bless all you bless and Curse all you curse
                      1. As a sign of the Covenant Abram becomes Abraham
                2. Abram's promise - I will obey you
                  1. I will be faithful to you
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