Fashion Star


Mind Map on Fashion Star, created by mglover7115919 on 09/11/2013.
Mind Map by mglover7115919, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mglover7115919 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Fashion Star
  1. Income
    1. The income would be what we are selling like clothes, shoes and stuff like that.
    2. Technology
      1. What and Why
        1. What? To put it on the internet/facebook and with flyers/radio
          1. Why? To star of we would use radio and flyers to keep cost down, then when the business up and running also making good profit we would look at putting it on the web/telly
          2. as an app so you download the app and you can chose the clothes you want and the next day you come in the shop and pick up what you order
          3. Advantages
            1. providing a product that everybody need (clothes) good profit margin to make more money
              1. wide selection available
              2. USP
                1. To focus on clothing and the main features
                2. Information
                  1. Spredsheet
                    1. To work out how much payment you have taken throught the week and to calculate your profit margin.
                    2. Database
                      1. To store information about the customer like there phone number and there card detals.
                    3. Disadvantages
                      1. communication, how and why?
                        1. desktop publishing
                          1. to create a poster to show the business opening
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