Used to and would


Mind Map on Used to and would, created by luigi arias on 25/11/2019.
luigi arias
Mind Map by luigi arias, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Almudena Alameda
Created by Almudena Alameda almost 8 years ago
luigi arias
Copied by luigi arias over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Used to and would


  • Habitual actions in the past
  1. Used to+infinitive


    • For actions which no longer happen. For permanent situations as well as habitual actions
    1. I used to have a tricycle when I was 5 years old
      1. John used to have long hair before he joined the army
        1. I didn´t used to go abroad for my holidays before I won the lottery


          • Sometimes "didn´t use to" is used.
        2. Would+bare infinitive


          • For past habitual actions which were repeated. Infinitive whitout "to"
          1. I would get up for work at seven.
          2. Be/get used to doing


            • To get or to be accustomed to.
            1. I´m getting used to living away from home
              1. We were used to wake up early
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