Mia's Business Idea


Mind Map on Mia's Business Idea, created by mtulip711 on 13/09/2013.
Mind Map by mtulip711, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mtulip711 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Mia's Business Idea
  1. Logo
    1. Bold
      1. Recognisable
        1. No more than three colors
        2. Name of Business
          1. MYPC
          2. My idea
            1. A place where badly behaved children/teenagers go to be "rehabilitated" in a way
              1. Goal
                1. To help kids with their problems and to learn to behave like students should
                2. Will offer normal lessons along with other sessions like anger management
                3. Employees
                  1. Qualified
                    1. Knows how to deal with misbehaved children/teenagers
                      1. Perhaps with a military background (for dicepline)
                      2. Technology
                        1. Computers
                          1. Projectors
                          2. Communication
                            1. Letters
                              1. Emails
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