Cells, tissues and organs


Science (Biology Y10) Mind Map on Cells, tissues and organs, created by gkempson on 09/14/2013.
Mind Map by gkempson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gkempson over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Cells, tissues and organs
  1. Cells
    1. Plant
      1. Chloroplast
        1. Absorbs light energy to make food
        2. Vacuole
          1. Permanent vacuole filled with cell sap
          2. Cell wall
            1. Made of cellulose and strengthens the cell
          3. Animal Cell
            1. Ribosomes
              1. Where protein synthesis occurs
              2. Mitochondria
                1. Where most of the energy is released during respiration
              3. Cell Membrane
                1. Controls the passage of substances in and out of the cell
                2. Nucleus
                  1. Controls the activity of a cell and carries the genes
                  2. Cytoplasm
                    1. Where most of the chemical reactions take place
                  3. Tissues and Organs
                    1. Tissue is a group of cells with a similar function
                      1. Organs are made of different types of tissue that work together to do a certain job
                        1. Organ systems are groups of organs that carry out a particular function
                          1. The digestive system
                            1. The respiratory system
                              1. The reproductive system
                          2. The stomach
                            1. Glandular tissue excretes acidic digestive juices to dissolve the food, and muscular tissue churns it up to help it digest
                          3. Diffusion
                            1. Diffusion is the net movement of particles of a gas or a solute from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration as a result of the random movement of particles. It uses no energy
                              1. Factors that affect the rate of diffusion
                                1. Difference in concentration of substances
                                  1. Temperature
                                    1. Movement
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