Unit 1 Educational Psychology (4hrs) 1.1 Meaning & nature of educational psychology 1.2 Methods of
studies of Human behaviour: a) Introspection b) Observatio n c) Experimental d) Case study 1.3 Use of
psychology to the teacher
Unit 2 Growth & development of the learner. (12h rs) 2.1 Nature & importance of heredity and environment
- social heredity2.2 Stages of growth & development - later childhoo d & adolescence (physical, mental,
emotional, social). 2.3 Role of school in growth & development of the learner
Unit 3 Individua l differences related to academic achievement (16 hrs) 3.1 Nature of individual
differences: inter and int ra 3.2 Causes of Individual differences:- (a) Personal - Readiness to learn,
abilities, aptit ude, motivation, age, gender & maturity, interest, atten tion & attitude. (b) Environmental:
socio-economic status, rural-urb an home environment, 'e' environment. 3.3 Individual differences w.r.t.:
personality, sel f concept, achievement motivation, study habits, emotions. 3.4 Mental health and stress
Unit 4 Psychology of Inclusion (8 hrs) 4.1 Identification of children with special needs. 4.2 Need of special
education. 4.3 Catering special education needs. 4.4 Concept of integrated & inclusive education. 4.5
Adjustment- causes of maladjustment, dealing wi th Child abuse & Child exploitation. 4.6 Developing
Attitudes and competences for inclu sion.
Section 2
Unit 5 Learning. 5.1 Nature of learning process,5.2 Theories of learning & their educational impor
tance: Trial & Error, introduction to cognitism, Behaviourism, & constructivism and learning application
of construc tivism , 5.3 Transfer of Learning - Concept & types
Unit 6 Role of Teacher in school. (8hrs) 6.1 Teacher's effectiveness. 6.2 Teacher-student,
student-student interaction. ( cooperative & collaborative learning) 6.3 Teacher behaviour & classroom
achievement, effe cts of teachers 6.4 Creation and organization of favorable school climate
Unit 7 Higher Mental Processes :-7.1 Sensation, Perception, Imagination, Concept fo rmation, mind
mapping. 7.2 Thinking : types & tools of thinking. 7.3 Developing thinking, reasoning, problem solvin g
& creativity
Unit 8 Intelligence. (11hrs) 8.1 Brain: Structure & function. 8.2 Brain and learning. 8.3 Intelligence –
definition and meaning Types of Intelligence- Artificial Intelligence, Emo tional Intelligence and Multiple
intelligence Measuring I.Q. (Alfred Binet’s test) 8.4 Memory: Process (registration & retention) & t
ypes, ways of Enhancing memory, recall & recognition.