Religion War and Peace


revision map
Mind Map by gedion_attah1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gedion_attah1 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Religion War and Peace
  1. What are the reasons for war?
    1. rights
      1. To save a political leader
        1. To stop nuclear war
          1. Religion
            1. Disagreement
              1. To gain Freedom
                1. To pose a threat
                  1. To gain power
                  2. Case studies
                    1. WWII
                      1. Just war as it stopped the holocaust where Jews and other racial backgrounds were being killed
                      2. The second gulf war
                        1. Just war because if they didn't go to war Iraq could of got a hold of nuclear weapons(wmd)
                        2. Falklands war
                          1. Not just war because the war was over a piece of land
                        3. Key terms
                          1. peace
                            1. An absence of which leads to harmony
                            2. Justice
                              1. Bringing about what is fair according to the law or making up for what has been done
                              2. holy war
                                1. Is when a religious leader declares war. It usually done to defend their faith or a sacred building
                                2. nuclear warfare
                                  1. nuclear weapons
                                    1. conflict
                                      1. A disagreement between two sides
                                      2. pacifist
                                        1. Absolute pacifism: always against war
                                          1. Relative pacifism: Depends on the circumstances
                                            1. Nuclear pacifism: no use of nuclear weapons in war
                                            2. Sanctity of life
                                              1. Life is sacred because it is god given
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