Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919


History Mind Map on Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919, created by Himanshu Pandey on 23/04/2020.
Himanshu Pandey
Mind Map by Himanshu Pandey, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jacksearle almost 11 years ago
Himanshu Pandey
Copied by Himanshu Pandey about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919
  1. When?
    1. Passed December 1919
      1. Put into practice 1921
    2. Reaction
      1. Temporary end to violence - Lost all hope of moderate gradual change
        1. Indian Nationalist response was luke-warm
          1. It didn't seem worth the years of anticipation
        2. Self Govt in Future
          1. Reforms confirmed promise of eventual self govt
            1. Promised review in 10 years to assess situation
          2. Changes to Councils and Electorates
            1. Members elected by Indians now in majority on Legislative councils
              1. Exec Council increased to 6, 3 would be appointed Indains
                1. National Franchise Increased - based upon wealth
                  1. 5 Million can now vote on Provincial Councils
                    1. 1 million vote on Legislative
                      1. 17,000 vote on council of state
                  2. Principle of separate electorates and candidates firmly embedded
                    1. Reserved elections of Muslim, Sikh and Christian reps by own electorate
                      1. Special Electorates for unis, landholders and business interests
                  3. Dyarchy
                    1. Reserved Matters for the British
                      1. Land Revenue
                        1. Law and Justice
                          1. Police
                            1. Labour
                              1. Irrigation
                      2. Transferred Matters controlled by Indian Dominated provincial Councils
                        1. Local Self Govt
                          1. Education
                            1. Health
                              1. Agriculture
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