Children Learning English


PP III Mind Map on Children Learning English, created by Liz White on 06/05/2020.
Liz White
Mind Map by Liz White, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Paula Dell' Acqua
Created by Paula Dell' Acqua almost 4 years ago
Paula Dell' Acqua
Copied by Paula Dell' Acqua almost 4 years ago
Liz White
Copied by Liz White almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Children Learning English
  1. Contexts for learning
    1. Strategies to manage the mixed ability class
      1. How different are they?
            1. Do you have a tendency to label your students according to their behaviuor, personality or learning ability?
                  1. "Children then begin to begin to behave as we expect them to, and so they end up becoming successful or failing according to our expectations"(p29)
                      1. Children as languague learners
                        1. Pupil's abilities
                                        1. What implications do they have in our classrooms?
                                        2. teachers' beliefs about learning
                                          1. Ways of observing children's language learning
                                            1. Can error be signs of active learning?
                                                1. Have you discovered discrepancies between your lesson plans and the beliefs you claim to have?
                                                2. Ways of developing positive attitudes towards English
                                                  1. Which are your students' attitudes towards English?
                                                          1. Pupils' attitudes to learning English
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