Innovative Uses of Technology


EDU 709 Module 1 Mind Map of Innovative Uses of Technology
Ginna Perez
Mind Map by Ginna Perez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
John Marttila
Created by John Marttila over 8 years ago
Ginna Perez
Copied by Ginna Perez almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Innovative Uses of Technology
  1. Definition
    1. Innovative
      1. New, original, creative, inventive, or experimental
      2. Uses of
        1. applications, operations, deployments, or utilizations of
          1. used for the purpose of improving student outcomes
        2. Technology
          1. equipment, devices, machines, or tools
        3. Factors for successful implementations - Zhao
          1. The Innovator
            1. Tech. proficiency
              1. Tech. compatibility with pedagogy & philosophy
                1. Social awareness
                2. The Innovation
                  1. Distance from...
                    1. School Culture
                      1. Existing Practice
                        1. Available Resources
                        2. Dependency on...
                          1. Others
                            1. Tech. Resources
                          2. The Context
                            1. Human Infrastructure
                              1. Tech Staff
                                1. Tech "Translators"
                                  1. Administration
                                    1. Policies and Procedures
                                    2. Tech Infrastructure
                                      1. Failures can have a chain reaction for a project
                                      2. Social Support
                                        1. Peer support
                                          1. Trust between teacher & admin
                                            1. Needs to be highest when dependence on others is high
                                        2. Differences from Traditional Teaching & Learning
                                          1. Broader & faster access to information
                                            1. Delivery can be less dependent on Lecture
                                              1. Assessment can be less dependent on traditional testing
                                                1. Increased collaboration opportunities
                                                  1. Sometimes it should simply broaden existing frameworks
                                                  2. Hinders or Enhances Teaching & Learning
                                                    1. Students are attracted to technology
                                                      1. Can be motivating & engaging or distracting
                                                      2. Can open opportunities for more authentic learning
                                                        1. Can help deliver content
                                                          1. Teachers can help students in place of lecturing
                                                          2. Strong possibilities for differentiated learning
                                                            1. Feedback may be more carefully tailored & expedient
                                                              1. Can aggravate digital divide
                                                                1. Parents may balk at online exposure
                                                                2. Recommended Speed of Change - Zhao
                                                                  1. "...evolutionary rather than a revolutionary appraoch" (p. 512)
                                                                    1. Stay close to existing practices & culture
                                                                      1. Avoid excessive dependence
                                                                        1. A successful innovation can influence other teachers
                                                                      2. Advantages and Limitations
                                                                        1. Advantages
                                                                          1. Meeting student needs
                                                                            1. New modes of learning
                                                                              1. Efficiently and accurately assess understandings
                                                                                1. Access to information
                                                                                  1. Motivation of students with interesting tech
                                                                                  2. Limitations
                                                                                    1. Costs - Time & Money
                                                                                      1. Technical problems
                                                                                        1. Potentially distracting or disruptive
                                                                                          1. Tech is only as good as the teacher using it
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