study overseas in NZ.


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lechuga fresca
Mind Map by lechuga fresca, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
maya velasquez
Created by maya velasquez almost 9 years ago
maya velasquez
Copied by maya velasquez almost 9 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden almost 9 years ago
Manikandan Achan
Copied by Manikandan Achan almost 9 years ago
Copied by croconnor almost 9 years ago
dfsdgas dfgdfgsgdfsgsd
Copied by dfsdgas dfgdfgsgdfsgsd almost 9 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden almost 9 years ago
lechuga fresca
Copied by lechuga fresca almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

study overseas in NZ.
  1. cons.
    1. be willing to adapt to a new lifestyle.
      1. you can't see your friends when you want to.
        1. be willing to adapt to a new culture.
        2. pros.
          1. you will meet a new culture
            1. you will meet a new lifestyle.


              1. you will have a great life experience.
                1. the school system is better.
                2. requirements.
                  1. be between 16-18 years old.
                    1. have passed all your school subject.
                      1. have a passport valid for at least one years.
                        1. be in good mental and physical.
                          1. have an open mind and be willing to adapt to a new lifestyle.
                          2. school systems.
                            1. typical school day, starts at 8:45 and ends 15:30.
                              1. school year starts in january ans ends in december.
                                1. all school require to wear a school uniform.
                                  1. you will study english, math, art, and science.
                                    1. you will have the chance to take extra courses.
                                      1. catering.
                                        1. tourism.
                                      2. extra-currricular activities.
                                        1. drama groups.
                                          1. music.
                                            1. soports clubs.
                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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