Study Planning: English


planilha para ajudar a organizar o tempo de estudo.
Junior Bezerra
Mind Map by Junior Bezerra, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Wilza França
Created by Wilza França over 8 years ago
Junior Bezerra
Copied by Junior Bezerra almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Study Planning: English
  1. Sunday:
    1. 15-17h
      1. Course's activities and issues.
        1. Pages 4 -7 of workbook
    2. Monday:
      1. 19-20h
        1. Improve vocabulary


          • do texts with words of dictionary  can be funny, not problem but you need write new words
          1. Reading and translation of texts in page 8 of wprkbook.pages 4 and 5 of phrase builder
      2. Tuesday:
        1. 19-20h
          1. Practice reading
            1. The Adventures of Lara Cruft. A phrasal verb story in 6 parts.
        2. Wednesday:
          1. 20-21h
            1. Practice listening with music
              1. Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler (Come round, fall apart, give off, go by, hold on, turn around)
                1. When a Man Loves a Woman – Michael Bolton (Give up, hold on, put down, sleep out)
                  1. I Wanna Know What Love Is – Mariah Carey (Look around, think over)
                2. Pratic phrasal verbs-translating
            2. Thursday:
              1. 19-20h
                1. Write texts with the studied phrasal verbs
              2. Friday:
                1. 19-20
                  1. Practice listening with series
                    1. 3 Videos about Phrasal verbs and idioms
                      1. Idioms and phrasal verbs in popular tv-series
                        1. Idioms and phrasal verbs in popular tv-series [PART 2]
                          1. Phrasal Verbs
                2. Sarturday:
                  1. Course
                    1. talking with friends
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