(a) Explain the common law doctrine of ultra vires


Mind Map on (a) Explain the common law doctrine of ultra vires, created by Fiza Ab Karim on 05/04/2015.
Fiza Ab Karim
Mind Map by Fiza Ab Karim, updated more than 1 year ago
Fiza Ab Karim
Created by Fiza Ab Karim about 9 years ago

Resource summary

(a) Explain the common law doctrine of ultra vires
    1. Object clause
      1. the most important of the memorandum
        1. sets out those acts which the company has capacity to undertake.
          1. Anything outside the objects and powers of a company is ultra vires
          2. ULTRA VIRES
            1. acts which are not specified in its objects clause in MOA of the co. or not incidential to their attainment
              1. COMMON LAW POSITION
                1. the transaction is void
                  1. & did not bind to co.
                    1. Ashbury Railway Carriage & Iron Co vs Riche
                      1. Re Jon Beauforte (London) Ltd
                        1. Re introduction Ltd
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