Drama essay


Mind Map on Drama essay, created by Elliott Wong on 10/03/2013.
Elliott Wong
Mind Map by Elliott Wong, updated more than 1 year ago
Elliott Wong
Created by Elliott Wong over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Drama essay
  1. Rhum and Clay
    1. Trained at Jacques Leroq
      1. Very physical
    2. Plot
      1. Play about dream
        1. Man obssesed with moon exploration and adventure from birth
          1. Embarked on a journey with other explorers before we discover it's just a dream
      2. Staging
        1. End-on stage
          1. Stage had 2 flats shaped as a triangle
            1. Made of wood and plastic
              1. Light and very flexble
                1. Suggest mountain climb
                2. Young company on-tour with low levels of net assests
                  1. Set and props need to be easily transported
                3. Lighting
                  1. Hand-held torches were chosen as light source in order to generate particular effect
                    1. Could attract attention from audience to a character or movement
                    2. Blackout- Window scenes illuminated
                      1. Astronaut falling was actually leaning on someone's back
                        1. Only lighting astronaut gave the effect of suspense
                          1. Black out everywhere else gave impression of him falling through space
                      2. Projection
                        1. Video included examples of space exploration
                          1. Gave context
                          2. Side of cot-child
                            1. Use of shadow puppets for world enhancement
                              1. Silhouettes: road signs, trees etc.-smaller
                                1. Character is travelling
                              2. Sound
                                1. Canned music
                                  1. Underscored
                                    1. Bar scene-happy, upbeat music
                                      1. Looked up at moon- sad,distorted sound
                                        1. Highlights moon obsession
                                      2. Canned voice over- astronaut landing
                                        1. Hitchhiking scene- crescendo+diminuendo of car engine-impression of driving fast-no chance
                                      3. Acting style
                                        1. No verbal communication
                                          1. Required to tell story
                                            1. Non-naturalistic
                                              1. Dream like
                                              2. Gibberish
                                              3. Number of locations large
                                                1. Required the audience's imagination
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