Teaching history: past, present and future trends


Teaching history: past, present and future trends
Nina Reibenschuh
Mind Map by Nina Reibenschuh, updated more than 1 year ago
Nina Reibenschuh
Created by Nina Reibenschuh about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Teaching history: past, present and future trends
  1. Methods/ Approaches of teaching ESOL. A historical overview
    1. Grammar-Translation Method (Classical method)
      1. Different kinds of language located in different sections of the brain.
        1. No effort to emphasize correct pronunciation
          1. No communication
          2. Focussed on grammar
            1. Use of native language
            2. Still used in the USA to teach languages
              1. Emphasis : reading, translating, conjugation of verbs and explanation and memorization of grammatical rules
              2. The Direct method
                1. Appeared in 1884
                  1. Repetitions or gouins
                    1. Native language avoided
                      1. Cultural aspects of the TL
                      2. Audio-Lingual Methohs (ALM)
                        1. Memorization of dialogues and rote practice
                          1. Native language avoided
                            1. Too prescriptive
                            2. Suggestopedia
                              1. Drama, physical exercise
                                1. Traditional modes of listening, reading, speaking and writing
                                  1. Native language allowed
                                    1. Welcoming atmosphere
                                  2. The Silent way
                                    1. Teachers remain silent much of the time
                                      1. Students begin to speak when they feel comfortable
                                        1. Native language avoiuded
                                        2. Total Physical Response (TPR)
                                          1. Better learning
                                            1. Involved physically
                                            2. Emphasis
                                              1. Listening
                                                1. Until oral proficiency
                                              2. Limited with the confines of the classroom
                                              3. Natural Approach
                                                1. communicative competence
                                                  1. Krashen's monitor model
                                                    1. Not mechanical exercises
                                                      1. Outside work
                                                        1. Error correction: negative
                                                          1. Emphasis
                                                            1. Listening
                                                            2. Natural order of learning
                                                            3. Communicative Approach
                                                              1. Main goal: Communication
                                                                1. Meaningfulness principle
                                                                  1. Authentic use of language
                                                                  2. Learning by doing
                                                                    1. Task principle
                                                                      1. Real-World tasks
                                                                        1. Promote language acquisition
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