Units 1-6


Map about units 1-6
Alexa Aguilera
Mind Map by Alexa Aguilera, updated more than 1 year ago
Alexa Aguilera
Created by Alexa Aguilera about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Units 1-6
  1. Unit 1 The working day
    1. *Managing Director *Assistant Managing Director *Sales Director *Finance Director *Marketing Director *Research and Development Manager *Human Resources Manager *Production Manager *Account
      1. Vocabulary
        1. *Personnel *Account *Technical Support *Quality Control *Sales *Marketing *Research and Development *Production
    2. Unit 5 Describing equipmen
      1. In this unit we learn a new vocabulary to describe objects
          1. Unit 2 Corporate culture
              1. This mostly depends the country that company's from
              2. Unit 6 Proсesses and proсedures
                1. In this unit we learn how to make products and how to explain the procedure
                  1. Also we learn how to change the sentences in a passive way
                        1. Unit 4 The Internet
                          1. In this unit we learn the word that we use when we're using a computer with internet
                          2. Unit 3 Company history
                              1. We talk and learn about the history of some companies, and a new vocabulary
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