

A- Level History- events making pressure for parliamentary reform increase after 1815
Mind Map by kate-96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kate-96 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Reform meeting at Spa Fields
    1. December 1816, London
      1. Ended in violence when parts of crowds looted shops using fire arms.
      2. March of the Blanketeers
        1. March 1817, ground of handlook weavers from Manchester attempted to march to London to present a petition to parliament.
          1. Broken up by troops on the orders of the magistrates, several men were arrested.
          2. Pentridge Rising
            1. June 1817, Derbyshire
              1. 300 unemployed framework knitters marched on Nottingham Castle.
                1. Believed it was an uprising against the government
                  1. Led by Jeremiah Brandreth. Was one of the four men executed for part in conspiracy.
                    1. Broken up by authorities and many arrests were made.
                    2. Peterloo Massacre
                      1. August 1819 at St Peter's Fields Macnhester
                        1. Over 60,000 gathered to listen to radical orator, Henry Hunt, speak on need for refrom.
                          1. Crowd was orderly and peaceful but magistrates feared threat to law and order
                            1. Ordered the local militia at meeting to arrest Hunt and disperse the crowd.
                              1. 11 people were killed, 400 were injured.
                          2. Cato Street Conspiracy
                            1. 1820- led by Arthur Thistlewood, plotted to kill the enitre cabinet, seize the Bank of England and establish a revolutionary provisional government.
                              1. Were arrested in Cato Street- resulted in the execution of Thistlewood and 4 other conspirators and the transportation of 5 more.
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