Skinner Questions Free Will
as Behaviourism Flourishes
B.F. Skinner (1904-90); influenced by
Watson's methodological behaviourism,
but developed a system based off his
own philosophy of 'radical behaviourism'
redifined internal, mental events as private events and they should not be
given special status when explaining behaviour; believed public
observable events need not be scientifically studied, ex. stimulus ->
food, response -> eating - we can describe what's happening
believed environmental factors moulded behaviour, behaviour
is influenced by its biological endowment but psych can
predict behaviour without physiological experiments
'Beyond Freedom and Dignity'
book (1971) - asserted all
behaviour is controlled by
external stimuli (behaviour is
determined in predictable
ways by lawful principles)
people are controlled by the
environment, not by themselves
Fundamental principle of behaviour
Organisms repeat responses that lead to
positive outcomes & don't repeat responses
that lead to negative ones