Sitting Room Design


Fourth year Technical Graphics Mind Map on Sitting Room Design, created by Amy Sullivan on 20/10/2020.
Amy Sullivan
Mind Map by Amy Sullivan, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Sullivan
Created by Amy Sullivan over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Sitting Room Design
  1. Lighting
    1. main light = middle of ceiling
      1. but lamps in places with not much light
        1. e.g beside th couches just so that if someone wanted to read or write they would have a nearby light source
      2. Technology
        1. TV
          1. couch with built in charger port
          2. Power Supply
            1. Plugs with USB ports
              1. at least 1 plug on each side of the room
              2. Use Of Space
                1. spread out all the furniture
                2. Windows
                  1. insulated
                  2. Doors
                    1. insulated doors so its warm
                    2. Furniture
                      1. L shaped couch
                        1. cabinetes for storing things
                        2. one 2 man couch
                          1. storage shelves
                          2. 2 arm chairs
                            1. coffee table
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