PLE Amparo


PLE Amparo Bruño Profesores que revolucionan, módulo II
Amparo Bruño Marti
Mind Map by Amparo Bruño Marti, updated more than 1 year ago
Amparo Bruño Marti
Created by Amparo Bruño Marti almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

PLE Amparo
  1. Busco y filtro
    1. YouTube
      1. Google
        1. Lycos
          1. Bing
            1. Yahoo
            2. Organizo
              1. Dropbox
                1. Symbaloo
                  1. Goconqr
                    1. Drive
                      1. Google Sites
                        1. Carpetas
                          1. Imindmap
                          2. Comunico
                            1. e-mail
                              1. Gmail
                                1. Redes Sociales
                                  1. Facebook
                                    1. Twitter
                                      1. Whatsapp
                                        1. Google Talk
                                          1. Skype
                                            1. FaceTime
                                            2. Blogger
                                            3. Creo
                                              1. Google Docs
                                                1. Excel
                                                  1. Word
                                                    1. Presentaciones
                                                      1. PPT
                                                        1. Prezi
                                                        2. iMovie
                                                          1. Google Sketch up
                                                            1. Tiki Toki
                                                              1. Audacity
                                                                1. Storyjumper
                                                                2. Publico
                                                                  1. Spotify
                                                                    1. twtmuzik
                                                                      1. Slideshare
                                                                        1. Blogger
                                                                          1. Picasa
                                                                            1. Flickr
                                                                              1. moodle
                                                                                1. wikispaces
                                                                                2. Colaboro
                                                                                  1. Colegio
                                                                                    1. Ong
                                                                                      1. Familias
                                                                                        1. Pastoral
                                                                                          1. Oratorio
                                                                                            1. Innova

                                                                                            Media attachments

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