Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy


Mind Map on Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy, created by Naomi Land on 06/06/2015.
Naomi Land
Mind Map by Naomi Land, updated more than 1 year ago
Naomi Land
Created by Naomi Land almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy
  1. Production Philosophy
    1. Focuses on improving production and distribution efficiencies
    2. Product Philosophy
      1. Focuses on continuous product improvements
      2. Selling Philosophy
        1. focuses on large-scale selling and pomotions.
        2. Marketing philosophy
          1. Company holds that to achieve it's organisational goals, it needs to know the needs and wants of target markets and delivers the desired satisfactions better than its competitos
            1. focuses on customer's needs and wants
              1. Creating customer satisfaction and loyalty
                1. Customer value
                  1. Customer-centred company
                    1. customer lifetime value
                      1. Customer Equity
                    2. Customer relationship management (CRM
                    3. Societal Marketing Philosophy
                      1. company decisions should consider consumers' wants, company's requirements and consumers' and society's long-run interests
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