Organizational Culture


mind map assignment
Mind Map by marciawatkins, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by marciawatkins about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Organizational Culture
  1. 3. Assessment Culture
    1. Test taking
      1. Adapting to the environment
        1. Accepting responsibility
          1. Valued member
        2. 2. Knowledge Culture
          1. Making decisions
            1. Drawing conclusions
              1. Teacher rolemodeling
                1. Use of technology
            2. 4. Learning Culture
              1. Engaging
                1. Sharing goals
                  1. Worshhops
                  2. Sharing knowledge
                  3. 1. Community-Centered Culture
                    1. Sharing interest
                      1. Working as a team sharing skills and abilities
                        1. Discuss problems
                          1. Mind Map for Marcia Watkins
                            1. Bridging the gap
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