Is restorative Justice appropriate for serious offences?


Mind Map on Is restorative Justice appropriate for serious offences?, created by ralph_030892 on 24/10/2013.
Mind Map by ralph_030892, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ralph_030892 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Is restorative Justice appropriate for serious offences?
  1. Treatment of victims in traditional Criminla justice system?
        1. face to face meetings for victims of crime and the offender?
          1. In every experiment and for both sexes, victims were far more likely to receive an apology from their offenders if they were assigned to RJ. This is partly because few victims attend court. All cases required full admissions for entry to the experiments, and for the cases that went to court all involved a guilty plea. Control group victims were rarely in court as they were not required as witnesses and hence were not often notified that the case was to be heard. In addition, victims were prohibited from attending court proceedings in Canberra if an offender was a juvenile. Almost all apologies in the control groups were offered outside the court setting.
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