Present Progressive


there is my map
Jako Aldebarán
Mind Map by Jako Aldebarán, updated more than 1 year ago
Jako Aldebarán
Created by Jako Aldebarán almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Present Progressive
  1. The mention what is the different from usual
    1. To describe what is heppening at the moment
      1. At the moment
        1. now
          1. Today
            1. this week/month
              1. Tomorrow
            2. To Be
              1. Auxilliary Verb
                1. Am, Is, Are
                  1. I'm watching a moivie
                    1. albert is reading a book
                2. Other verbs
                  1. Ing.
                    1. Sing-Singing
                      1. Talk-Talking
                        1. Look-Looking
                          1. Have-Having
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