

Mind Map on Baroque, created by 09gleroux on 11/06/2013.
Mind Map by 09gleroux, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 09gleroux about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1600-1750
    1. came BEFORE classical music
    2. basso continuo
      1. continuous bass part
        1. played throughout piece
          1. the chords within the piece are based on this
          2. Dynamics suddenly change
            1. Ternary and Binary form
              1. baroque composers used ternary form in arias
                1. (whilst classical composers use ternary form for symphonies
                  1. ARIA- a solo in an opera or oratorio
                    1. Handel was a famous baroque composer who wrote a lot of these
                  2. THE COMPOSERS
                    1. handel
                      1. bach
                        1. pachelbel
                          1. corelli
                            1. purcell
                              1. vivaldi
                                1. teleman
                                2. RONDO
                                  1. a structure
                                    1. ABACADA etc
                                    2. always refers back to the starting melody
                                    3. ornaments
                                      1. used for decorating and livening the piece
                                        1. EXAPLMES: trills, mordents, appogiatura, acciaccatura, turns
                                        2. LISTEN FOR...
                                          1. sequencing
                                            1. repeating the pattern, but varying the pitch
                                            2. Retrograde
                                              1. playing the tune BACKWARDS
                                              2. MELODIC INVERSION
                                                1. turning the tune upside down
                                                2. Immitation
                                                  1. repeating a phrase with slight changes
                                                  2. ostinato
                                                    1. One repeating pattern, played whilst the rest of the piece is changing
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