Character of Romeo


Mind Map by dgarland, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dgarland about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Character of Romeo
  1. Impulsive
    1. Refuses to leave Juliet
      1. II.ii.171
        1. His love for Rosaline does not last
          1. I.v.53
            1. I.v.42
            2. Does he truly love Rosaline
              1. He leaves his friends
                1. II.i.36-37
                  1. His promise to marry Juliet
                    1. II.ii.127
                      1. Risks his life
                        1. II.ii.70
                          1. Goes to the party
                            1. I.v.60
              2. Childish
                1. Cries in his room and the forest
                  1. I.1.123-4
                    1. Swears on things
                      1. II.ii.107
                        1. Refuses to look at anyone else
                          1. I.ii. 100
                            1. He only cares about the present
                              1. I.i.127
                                1. Does not think things through
                                  1. II.ii.50
                                    1. He is too impetuous
                                      1. II.ii.125
                          2. Dramatic
                            1. He does not take Rosaline's rejection well
                              1. I.i.184
                                1. Has a big ego?
                                  1. I.i.209
                                    1. Promises to change his entire life
                                      1. II.ii.55
                                        1. II.ii.50
                                        2. Falls in love immediately
                                          1. I.v.50
                                            1. His compliments are outrageous
                                              1. II.ii.25
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