Barriers to EHR Adoption


Mind Map on Barriers to EHR Adoption, created by m9il on 11/09/2013.
Mind Map by m9il, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by m9il over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Barriers to EHR Adoption
  1. Steep cost of the EHR
    1. Steep start up costs
      1. Steep training cost of employees
        1. Cost effective for large health care set ups
          1. Ineffective for small or individual physician offices in term of cost savings
            1. Software qualities and Usability deficiencies
              1. Lack of semantic interoperability
                1. Efficacy of software is not perceived
                  1. Even after a standard format usage it lacks definition or linkage to common shared
                    1. Issues related to Legal and
                      1. Human threats like
                        1. Environmental hazards causing
                          1. Technology failure like system
                          2. Benefits of EHR
                            1. system has been designed to capture
                              1. represent data which accurately captures the state of the patient at all times.
                              2. provides an opportunity to view
                                1. the entire medical history of the patient at a glance
                                  1. without the need to track down the patients previous medical record volume
                                  2. EHR assists in ensuring that the data is accurate, appropriate and legitimate.
                                    1. It reduces the chance of data replication
                                    2. Effectively helps in extraction of medical data
                                      1. long term changes in the patient
                                    3. EHR includes a range of data
                                      1. includes demographics
                                        1. treatment
                                          1. medical history of the patient
                                            1. medications and known allergies
                                              1. laboratory
                                                1. diagnostic test results
                                                  1. radiology images,
                                                    1. cardinal signs,
                                                      1. personal parameters like age
                                                        1. billing information pertaining to insurance claims
                                                          1. financial
                                                        2. Remedy
                                                          1. Reducing start up costs
                                                            1. simplifying software for private physician set up
                                                              1. reducing maintenance and training costs.
                                                                1. Simple and user friendly software to be designed.
                                                                  1. System failure must have replication backups
                                                                    1. main server directory protected legally
                                                                      1. reinstall the records after verifying the identity of customer.
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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