Text Analysis


Mind Map on Text Analysis, created by sara.hillier on 11/11/2013.
Mind Map by sara.hillier, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sara.hillier about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Text Analysis
  1. Purpose of text?
    1. identify text user
      1. Context of culture
        1. Context of situation
      2. Action from user?
      3. Genre
        1. Narrative, Recount, Procedure, Explanation, Info Report, Argument/ Persuasive
        2. Register
          1. Field: subject matter, topic
            1. Open word classes
              1. Nouns
                1. Adjectives
                  1. Verbs
                    1. doing, being, having, saying, thinking words also carry tense
                  2. Closed word classes
                    1. Pronouns
                      1. Instead of noun: I, we, he, she, it
                        1. possessive: my, your, his, her, their
                          1. Position/belong: us/them, we/they, our, us
                          2. Conjunctions
                        2. Tenor: feelings, tone, attitude
                          1. tenor affects mood
                          2. Mode: speech, writing, visual, audio
                          3. Mood
                            1. Declarative: state facts
                              1. Interrogative: questioning
                                1. Imperative: command/ directive
                                2. Discourse
                                  1. insiders/outsiders?
                                    1. Cohesion
                                      1. the glue: plays role in insider/outsider of Discourse
                                        1. Repeated words
                                          1. Related words
                                            1. Conjunctions
                                              1. time or sequence: when, then, after
                                                1. show idea, action: because so,as
                                                  1. logical progression: thus, therefore
                                                    1. add ideas: and, as well
                                                      1. compare/contrast: but, also, yet
                                                      1. Modality
                                                        1. High: definitely, always, never Mid: probably, generally, usually Low: perhaps, sometimes
                                                          1. Modality is a powerful tool in texts, degrees of possibility strong shape how reader is positioned and responds
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