Childhood Diseases


Let's help sick children to make it easy.
Mind Map by bosco.silva, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bosco.silva over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Childhood Diseases
  1. A disease is a disorder of a structure or function, that affects part or all of an organism.
    1. We'll help sick children
      1. FACTS
        1. 300.000 spanish kid have diabetes
          1. Every year more than 3 million kids are hospitalized in the US
              1. the rights of the hospitalized kid
            2. Organitzations
              1. AFANOC
                1. They help children with cancer, and their family to come to Bcn to be treated
                  1. La casa dels xuklis
                    1. The house were some sick children and their families live
                    2. Sonrisas para el corazón
                      1. Kids wich treatement is very long and complicated
                        1. The families don't have enough resources
                          1. Fundación abracadabra Magos Solidarios
                            1. They give some magic to the people that aren't able to smile
                              1. They offer the best medicine: ilusion
                              2. They go to hospitals, to homes of the elderly
                                1. Since 2005 they've helped more than 1.300.000 people directly
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