2016 Presidential Primary Race


2016 Presidential Primary Race Democrats Republicans
Mind Map by ybenayoun, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ybenayoun over 8 years ago

Resource summary

2016 Presidential Primary Race
  1. the G.O.P.
    1. Mike Huckabee
      1. Bobby Jindal
        1. Lindsey Graham
          1. George Pataki
            1. Rick Santorum
              1. Rand Paul
                1. John Kasich
                  1. Chris Christie
                    1. Ted Cruz
                      1. Ben Carson
                        1. Carly Fiorina
                          1. Donald Trump
                            1. Marco Rubio
                              1. Jeb Bush
                                1. Candidates Who Have Dropped Out
                                  1. Rick Perry
                                    1. Scott Walker
                                  2. the Democrats
                                    1. Hillary Clinton
                                      1. Bernie Sanders
                                        1. CBS News Video: New Hampshire Polls
                                          1. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-bernie-sanders-leapfrogs-hillary-clinton-in-new-hampshire/
                                        2. Martin O'Malley
                                          1. Jim Webb
                                            1. Lincoln Chafee
                                            2. Who's Winning So Far?


                                              • Based on the current Prediction Market standings and National Endorsement Standings. Both Candidates have also raised the most money on their respective sides.
                                              1. Hillary Clinton
                                                1. Jeb Bush
                                                2. Resources
                                                  1. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/us/elections/presidential-candidates-dashboard.html?_r=0
                                                    1. http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/2016-national-gop-primary
                                                      1. http://www.cnn.com/politics
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