German ControlledAssessment (Leisure)


Mind Map on German ControlledAssessment (Leisure), created by a.warren on 11/14/2013.
Mind Map by a.warren, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by a.warren about 11 years ago

Resource summary

German ControlledAssessment (Leisure)
  1. Freetime (general)
    1. photographs
      1. With my Sister
      2. Talking to friends online
        1. eg. Msn, Skype...
        2. Surfing the Internet
          1. Helps with studying
            1. I find it very good
          2. Freetime (last weekend)
            1. DVD- The Hunger Games
              1. Fantasy Film
                1. Theme is Violence, Death &love
                  1. Set in the Capitol
                  2. The story and the music is great
                    1. The characters are very good and impressive
                      1. Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss Everdeen
                        1. Josh Hutcherson plays Peeta Mellark
                      2. About a boy and a girl fighting to the death in a arena
                    2. Media in Everyday Life
                      1. Listen to musik
                        1. i like rockmusic
                          1. e.g. Paramore, Metallica
                        2. Watching TV
                          1. Texting on my mobile phone
                            1. Playing on the wii
                              1. favourite games are wii sports and just dance
                                1. Sister and Brother don't agree
                            2. Advantages and Disadvantages
                              1. New Media is quite good
                                1. saves time
                                  1. Keep in contact with friends around the world
                                    1. New tech and internet is dangerous
                                      1. Spend less personal time with friends
                                        1. i agree with most advantages, i dont agree with it being expensive
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