Chapter 3 : Families and Households


AS Sociology Mind Map on Chapter 3 : Families and Households, created by hannahvullo on 11/18/2013.
Mind Map by hannahvullo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannahvullo about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 3 : Families and Households
  1. Family Functions
    1. Marxism
      1. Family functions to distract working class identity
      2. G.P.Murdock
        1. Family as universal institution
          1. performs reproductive, sexual, educational and economic functions
          2. Feminism
            1. Family is patriachal and promotes male dominance
            2. Parsons
              1. Primary socialisation of children
                1. Stabilisation of adult personalities
              2. Demographic trends & family life
                1. Birth rates & fertility rates
                  1. Effects on family size
                    1. Effect of birth control, educational opportunity and genderquake
                    2. Death Rate
                      1. Life expectancy
                        1. Ageing Population
                          1. Beanpole families
                          2. Migration
                            1. Cultural diversity in family life
                          3. Power & Control
                            1. Housework and childcare
                              1. quality vs dual burden
                                1. Decision-making
                                  1. Fatherhood
                                  2. Violence
                                    1. Defintions
                                      1. Role Of Patriarchy
                                    2. Childhood
                                      1. social construction of childhood
                                        1. Child as economic assets
                                          1. Child-centred societies
                                            1. relativity of childhood experiences
                                            2. Theoretical approaches
                                              1. Conventional
                                                1. Interpretivist
                                              2. Family, morality & state policy
                                                1. Familial Ideology
                                                  1. Nuclear Family as ideal
                                                    1. Nuclear family under moral attack
                                                    2. State policy
                                                      1. supportive of or undermining familial ideology?
                                                    3. Marriage, divorce & family diversity
                                                      1. Marriage
                                                        1. In decline of merely postponed?
                                                          1. Effect of genderquake
                                                            1. Threat of cohabitation
                                                            2. Marital breakdown
                                                              1. Divorce Rate
                                                                1. Effects of divorce on children
                                                                  1. Influence of postmodern world
                                                                  2. One-parent families
                                                                    1. Stereotypes vs facts
                                                                      1. reconstituted families
                                                                    2. Family, social structure & change
                                                                      1. Feminism
                                                                        1. Marxist - feminist: family benefits men and capitalism
                                                                          1. Radical feminist: family benefits men - patriarchal
                                                                          2. Marxism
                                                                            1. Ideological capitalist apparatus
                                                                              1. Promotes ruling class ideology
                                                                              2. Historical Perspectives
                                                                                1. gradual evolution
                                                                                  1. Symmetrical family
                                                                                  2. Functionalism
                                                                                    1. Nuclear family norm
                                                                                      1. Industrialisation
                                                                                        1. Structural differentiation
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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