Types of Genres


Identifying and defining types of genres discussed in our lesson.
Mind Map by courtneyodonnell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by courtneyodonnell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Types of Genres
  1. Disaster
    1. Has an impending or ongoing disaster as its subject and primary plot device.
    2. Thriller
      1. Uses suspense, tension and excitement as its main elements.
      2. Action
        1. One or more protagonists are thrust into a series of challenges, typically physical feats, extended fight scenes, violence and chases.
        2. Sci-fi
          1. Uses science based depictions not necessarily adopted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial life forms, extrasensory perception, and time travel.
          2. War
            1. Concerns warfare; usually naval, air and land battles but sometimes focuses on prisoners of war and military operations.
            2. Adventure
              1. Revolves around the conquests and explorations of the protagonist.
              2. Musical
                1. Songs sung by the characters are interwoven into the narrative.
                2. Fantasy
                  1. Has a fantastic theme, usually involving magic, supernatural events, make believe creatures or exotic fantasy worlds.
                  2. Western
                    1. Tells stories set primarily in the later half of the 19th Century in the American Old West.
                    2. Romance
                      1. Presents romantic love stories which focus on passion, emotion, and romantic involvement of the main characters.
                      2. Documentary
                        1. Presents facts about a person or event.
                        2. Horror
                          1. Seek to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's primal fears.
                          2. Comedy
                            1. Entertains the audience through amusement and often exaggerated characteristics of real life for humourous effect.
                            2. Crime
                              1. Focus on the lives of criminals.
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