

Mind Map on Catering, created by emilybaitman on 11/24/2013.
Mind Map by emilybaitman, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emilybaitman about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Cake Making Methods
    1. Creaming
      1. Butter and sugar first and then the eggs and then the dries
        1. Adds air when beating with wooden spoon, sieving in flour- you can see the butter mixture gets lighter in colour as it is beaten
          1. Air can be lost by not folding in with a metal spoon (figure of 8)
        2. Rubbing in
          1. Flour and butter first then sugar and flavouring and then the eggs
            1. Air added by lifting fingertips as rubbing in butter, lift up the flour high to incorporate air
            2. Whisking
              1. Eggs and sugar first then flour and baking powder
                1. Protein in egg white holding the air as it whisked
                  1. Air can be lost by not folding in with a metal spoon (figure of 8) (even more critical with this method)
                2. Melting
                  1. Butter and sugar first and then the eggs and then the drys
                    1. Reliant on raising agent alone to lift cake (baking soda often used rather than baking powder-together with SR flour)
                    2. All in one
                      1. All ingrediants added at once
                        1. all ingredients into bowl then whisked with electric beaters.
                      2. Key Tempatures
                        1. -18
                          1. Frozen food- bacteria lie dormant
                          2. 0
                            1. 0-5’C fridge- most bacteria slowly reproduce
                            2. 5-63
                              1. DANGER ZONE- rapid bacterial growth
                              2. 75
                                1. Most pathogenic bacteria killed
                                2. 100
                                  1. Pathogenic non spore formers are killed
                                  2. 121
                                    1. Even spore formers are killed
                                  3. HASAWA- Employee saftey
                                    1. Employers must provide safe working areas
                                      1. Employees must take care of own safety and not misuse property
                                        1. Risk assessment
                                          1. First identify the hazard, then think about who could be harmed and evaluate its likelyhood then implement a prevation of this happening
                                            1. Fire Prevention
                                              1. Press alarm, call fire brigade, try to fight fire with extinguisher, leave building and go to assembly points.
                                                1. Dont collect belongings,use lifts or put yourself in danger
                                          2. Dietary needs
                                            1. Vegetarian
                                              1. No meat or fish
                                              2. Nut allergy
                                                1. No nuts, sometimes specific nuts arnt allowed
                                                2. Lactose intolerant
                                                  1. Nothing that contains cows milk
                                                  2. Religion
                                                    1. Mulims- no pork, halal meat only
                                                      1. Hindu- no beef
                                                        1. Sihk- no meat or fish
                                                          1. Jews- no pork, shellsfish, eels. not meat and milk at the same time
                                                            1. Kosher- Slaughter meat
                                                            2. Gluten Intorerence
                                                              1. No wheat-pasta, bread, cake and biscuits
                                                              2. Diabetes
                                                                1. No sugar
                                                                2. Coeliac
                                                                  1. No wheat- pasta, bread, cakes and biscuits
                                                                  2. Vegan
                                                                    1. No animal products
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