Functionalist theories of religion


A level Sociology (Religion) Mind Map on Functionalist theories of religion, created by abbiecoombs on 05/12/2013.
Mind Map by abbiecoombs, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abbiecoombs over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Functionalist theories of religion
  1. The Sacred and the profane
    1. durkhiem believed the key feature of religion was not a belief in gods or the supernatural but a fundemental distinction between the sacred and profane
      1. SACRED: Things that are set apart and forbbiden, that inspire a feeling of awe, fear and wonder. they are surrounded by taboos and prohibitions
        1. Profane are items with no special significance.
          1. what is sacred and what is profane is percieved.
          2. totemism
            1. the collective conscience
              1. cognitive funtions of religion
                1. Psychological functions
                  1. Parsons: values and meaning
                    1. Civil religion
                      1. Can argue that Civil religion really isnt a religion
                      2. Evaluation
                        1. neglects the negative aspects of religion e.g source of oppression for women
                          1. Ignores how religion is a sorce of division and conflict e.g Ireland
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