Psychophysics and Signal Detection Theory


Degree Psychology (Perception) Mind Map on Psychophysics and Signal Detection Theory, created by natalieclark29 on 12/06/2013.
Mind Map by natalieclark29, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by natalieclark29 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Psychophysics and Signal Detection Theory
  1. Scientific Study
    1. Science tends towards reductionism
      1. Methodology requires phenomena to be measurable
        1. Personal experience of perception is not measurable
        2. Psychophysics
          1. Psychometric curve
          2. Signal Detection Theory
            1. precise language and graphic notation for analysing decision making in the presence of uncertainty
            2. Forced Choice
              1. Pps forced to say yes or no on each trial in order to count both hits and false alarms
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