Sab8#152:_Manage Stakeholder Engagement


Mind Map on Sab8#152:_Manage Stakeholder Engagement, created by paty_r_g on 11/01/2016.
Mind Map by paty_r_g, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paty_r_g over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Sab8#152:_Manage Stakeholder Engagement
  1. Working with the stakeholders to understand their needs and keep them involved in all of the decisions that affect them as the project progresses. CLEARING UP MISUNDERSTANDINGS
    1. Communication Management Plan
      1. Stakeholder Management Plan
        1. Organizationa Process Assets OPA's
          1. Change log
            1. Communications methods
              1. Push, interactive or pull
              2. Interpersonal skills
                1. Use "soft skills" to keep everybody on track and working toward the same goal
                2. Management skills
                  1. Focus on communication with the stakeholder about issues
                  2. Issue log
                    1. Change requests
                      1. Project document updates
                        1. Organizational Process Assets updates OPA's
                          1. Project Management plan updates
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