L10 fat and oil


by class A group1
Tracy Lo
Mind Map by Tracy Lo, updated more than 1 year ago
Tracy Lo
Created by Tracy Lo over 10 years ago

Resource summary

L10 fat and oil
  1. functions in food
    1. Heat Transfer
      1. Flavor
        1. Shortening powder
          1. Textures
            1. Emulsions
              1. types
                1. Water in oil
                  1. Oil in water
                  2. Stability
                    1. Temporary
                      1. Permanent
                        1. Semi-permanent
                      2. Nutrients
                        1. Satiety
                          1. Plasticity
                            1. Solubility
                              1. Appearance
                              2. types of fat and oil
                                1. Plant Based
                                  1. Vegetable oil
                                    1. Olive oil
                                      1. Tropical oil
                                        1. New oil
                                        2. Cocoa Butter
                                        3. Animal Based
                                          1. Lard
                                            1. Butter
                                              1. Whipped
                                                1. Unsalted
                                                  1. Clarified
                                                2. hydrogenation
                                                  1. Shortening
                                                    1. Marganines
                                                      1. Whipped
                                                        1. Diet or Reduced-fat
                                                          1. Soft
                                                      2. Purchasing
                                                        1. Package Label
                                                          1. Types
                                                            1. Animal fat
                                                              1. Plant-based
                                                              2. Expiry Date
                                                                1. Hydrolytic
                                                                  1. Oxidative
                                                                2. storage
                                                                  1. Oil
                                                                    1. opaque
                                                                      1. Alight container
                                                                      2. Fat
                                                                        1. Refrigerator
                                                                      3. Food Preparation
                                                                        1. Shortening agents
                                                                          1. Deep frying
                                                                            1. Frying
                                                                            2. Melting point
                                                                              1. Crystalline structure
                                                                                1. Length of fatty acid
                                                                                  1. Cis-trans configuration
                                                                                    1. Degree of saturation
                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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