Weather and Climate


Mind Map on Weather and Climate, created by vickylma on 12/12/2013.
Mind Map by vickylma, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by vickylma about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Weather and Climate
  1. Reasons why Climate varies within the UK
    1. Latitude
      1. How far north or south of the equator a place is
        1. The higher in latitude you go, the colder it gets
          1. Southern parts of the UK are warmer than northern parts because of their lower latitude
          2. Distance from the sea
            1. Areas near the sea are warmer than inland areas in the winter because the sea stores up heat and warms the land.
              1. Areas near the sea are cooler in the summer because the sea takes a long time to heat up and so cools the land down
                1. The west gets warned nire because of the warm ocean current coming from the north atlantic drift
                2. WInds
                  1. Most common winds from south west
                    1. They bring warm and moist air which makes the UK warm and wet
                      1. West gets more warmth and rain then the east
                      2. Pressure
                        1. Low pressure weather systems have lots of rainfall because the air is rising and water vapour is condensing.
                          1. High pressure systems have dry weather because the air is falling
                            1. The west of the UK is wetter because low pressure comes from the west
                            2. Altitude
                              1. How the land is
                                1. The higher up you go the colder it gets because the air is thinner so less heat energy is trapped
                                  1. Higher areas get more rainfall as air is forced upwards and the water vapour condenses into rain cloud
                                    1. So high altitude parts of the UK are colder and wetter than low altitude areas
                                  2. Depressions
                                    1. Low pressures
                                      1. Depressions form when warm air meets cold air
                                        1. Form over the atlantic ocean then moves east over the UK
                                          1. Warm, moist air from the tropics meets cold, dry air from the poles
                                            1. The warm air is less dense so it rises above the cold air
                                              1. Condensation occurs as the warm air rises causing rain clouds to develop
                                                1. Rising air also causes low pressure at the earths surface
                                                  1. So the winds blow into the depression in a spiral (wind always blows from high areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure)
                                                    1. A warm front is the front edge of the moving warm air
                                                      1. A cold front is the front edge of the moving cold air
                                          2. Anticyclones
                                            1. Form over the Atlantic ocean and move east over the UK
                                              1. Anticyclone are where air is falling, creating high pressure and light winds blowing outwards
                                                1. Falling air gets warmer no clouds are formed, giving clear skies and no rain for days or even weeks
                                                  1. In summer anticyclones cause long periods of hot dry clear weather
                                                    1. There are no clouds to absorb the suns heat energy, so more gets through the earths surface causing high temperatures
                                                    2. In winter anticyclones give long periods of cold foggy weather
                                                      1. Heat is lost from the earths surface at night because there are no clouds to reflect it back
                                                        1. The temperature drops and condensation occurs near the surface forming fog.
                                                          1. It doesnt heat up much in the day because the sun is weak
                                                    3. UK Extreme Weather
                                                      1. Its raining more
                                                        1. The rainfall is more intense especially in winerter
                                                        2. Temperature is increasing
                                                          1. More extreme weather has led to more extreme weather events in the last 10 years
                                                            1. There is major flooding caused by storms and high rainfall
                                                              1. Strong winds (combined with high tides) caused flooding
                                                                1. High temperatures led to a heatwave and drought conditions in the summer
                                                                  1. Impacts of extreme weather
                                                                    1. Peoples homes and lives
                                                                      1. Floods damage homes and possessions which can cost a lot to repair or replace
                                                                        1. Businesses can be damaged by floods so people can loose their income
                                                                          1. Water use can be restricted during droughts
                                                                            1. Hosepipe bans
                                                                            2. Increased rainfall may mean water supplies are increased
                                                                            3. Agriculture
                                                                              1. Droughts can cause crop failures
                                                                                1. Increased rainfall can mean higher crop yields
                                                                                  1. A warmer climate means farmers can grow new crops
                                                                                  2. Health
                                                                                    1. Flooding may cause deaths by drowning
                                                                                      1. Heatwaves can cause death by heat exhaustion
                                                                                        1. Milder winters may reduce cold related deaths
                                                                                        2. Transport
                                                                                          1. Floods may block roads and railways, disrupting transport systems
                                                                                            1. Higher temperatures can cause railway lines to buckle
                                                                                              1. So they cant run properly
                                                                                            2. Ways of reducing the negative impacts
                                                                                              1. Preparing
                                                                                                1. Individuals and local authorities can do things to prepare for extreme weather before it happens
                                                                                                  1. Flood defenses along rivers can be improved
                                                                                                    1. Education programmes can tell the public the best way to cope with floods droughts and heatwaves
                                                                                                    2. Planning
                                                                                                      1. Emergency services and local councils can plan how to deal with extreme weathers in advance
                                                                                                        1. They can make plans for how to rescue people from floods and where to have shelters
                                                                                                        2. Warning
                                                                                                          1. Warning systems give people time to prepare for extreme weathers
                                                                                                            1. The Enviromental agency issues flood warnings so people can prepare and evacuate
                                                                                                      2. Climate Change
                                                                                                        1. Climate change is any change in the weather of an area over a long period
                                                                                                          1. Global warming
                                                                                                            1. Global warming is the increase in global temperatures over the last century
                                                                                                              1. Global warming is a type of climate change and it causes other types of climate change
                                                                                                                1. Increased rainfall
                                                                                                              2. Caused by human activity
                                                                                                                1. An increase in human activities like burning fossil fuels farming and deforestation
                                                                                                                  1. Caused an increase in the concentration of concentration of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere
                                                                                                                    1. These are greenhouse gasses and they trap heat reflected off the Earths surface
                                                                                                                  2. Greenhouse gases keep the Earth warm because they trap heat
                                                                                                                    1. Increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere means that the Earth heats up
                                                                                                                      1. Causing global warming
                                                                                                                    2. Variations in solar output
                                                                                                                      1. Changes in the Earths orbit
                                                                                                                      2. Impacts
                                                                                                                        1. Economic
                                                                                                                          1. Farming
                                                                                                                            1. Higher latitudes, warmer weather will mean some farmers can make money
                                                                                                                              1. Some crop yields will be increased
                                                                                                                                1. They'll be able to grow new types of crops to sell
                                                                                                                              2. More money will have to be spent on predicting extreme weather events
                                                                                                                                1. educing their impacts and rebuilding them after
                                                                                                                                2. Industries that hep to reduce the effects of climate change will become bigger and make more money
                                                                                                                                3. Social
                                                                                                                                  1. People wont be able to grow as much food in lower latitudes
                                                                                                                                    1. Lead to malnutrition , ill health and death from starvation
                                                                                                                                    2. More people will die because of more extreme weather events
                                                                                                                                      1. Hotter weather makes it for some infectious diseases to spread
                                                                                                                                        1. Leads to ill health and more deaths from diseases
                                                                                                                                        2. Some areas will become so hot and dry that they're uninhabitable
                                                                                                                                          1. People will have to move which could lead to over crowding in other areas
                                                                                                                                        3. Environmental
                                                                                                                                          1. Global warming is causing sea level to rise
                                                                                                                                            1. Some habitats will be lost as low lying coastal environments are submerged
                                                                                                                                            2. Rising temperatures and decreased rainfall will mean some environments will turn into deserts
                                                                                                                                              1. The distribution of some species may change to climate change
                                                                                                                                                1. Species can only live in the areas where the conditions suit them the best
                                                                                                                                                  1. Species that cant move may die out
                                                                                                                                              2. Political
                                                                                                                                                1. Water will become more scarce in some places
                                                                                                                                                  1. Competition over water could lead to war between countries
                                                                                                                                                  2. Climate change may cause people to move
                                                                                                                                                    1. This means that some countries will have to cope with increased immigration and emigration
                                                                                                                                                    2. Governments are under pressure to come up with ways to slow climate change or reduce it effects
                                                                                                                                                  3. Responses
                                                                                                                                                    1. Kyoto Protocol
                                                                                                                                                      1. Most countries have agreed to monitor and cut greenhouse gases by signing this international agreement
                                                                                                                                                        1. Aim is to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 5%
                                                                                                                                                          1. Each country is set a target
                                                                                                                                                            1. Carbon credits
                                                                                                                                                              1. Countries reward for having low emission
                                                                                                                                                                1. They can sell these to other countries which arn't meting their emission target
                                                                                                                                                                2. Earn them by helping poorer countries to reduce their emissions
                                                                                                                                                                  1. This means that poorer countries will be able to reduce their emissions more quickly
                                                                                                                                                                3. Not all countries have agreed
                                                                                                                                                                  1. USA hasn't and they have the highest emission of any country
                                                                                                                                                                4. National
                                                                                                                                                                  1. Transport strategies
                                                                                                                                                                    1. Governments can improve public transport networks like buses and trains
                                                                                                                                                                      1. They can make them run faster and cover a wider area
                                                                                                                                                                        1. This encourages more people to use public transport instead of cars
                                                                                                                                                                    2. Taxation
                                                                                                                                                                      1. Governments can increase taxes on cars with high emissions
                                                                                                                                                                        1. In UK there are higher tax rates for cars with high emissions
                                                                                                                                                                          1. This encourages people to buy low emission cars so emissions are reduced
                                                                                                                                                                    3. Local
                                                                                                                                                                      1. Congestion charge
                                                                                                                                                                        1. Local authorities can charge people for driving cars into cities during busy periods
                                                                                                                                                                          1. Encourages people to use their cars less which reduces emissions
                                                                                                                                                                        2. Recycling
                                                                                                                                                                          1. Recycle more waste by building more recycling plants and giving people recycling bins
                                                                                                                                                                            1. Recycling materials means less energy used making new materials so emission is reduced
                                                                                                                                                                            2. Create energy by burning recycled waste
                                                                                                                                                                            3. Conserving energy
                                                                                                                                                                              1. Give money and advice to make homes more efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                1. Improving insulation
                                                                                                                                                                                  1. Means people use less energy to heat their homes because less is lost
                                                                                                                                                                                    1. Emissions are reduced because less energy needs to be produced
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