Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage (EIMD)


Mind Map on Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage (EIMD), created by dw330 on 12/15/2013.
Mind Map by dw330, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dw330 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage (EIMD)
  1. Mechanisms
    1. Eccentric contractions
      1. Sarcomeres damaged (Tekakura et al, 01)
        1. Membrane damaged
          1. Efflux of muscle proteins (e.g CK)
            1. E-C coupling dysfunction
              1. Loss of strength (Brockett et al, 01)
              2. Influx of Ca2+
                1. Proteolytic pathways activated
                  1. DOMS
        2. Markers
          1. Direct
            1. Hortobagyi (98)
              1. Morphological changes
                1. Z-line disruption
                  1. Type II pref
              2. Indirect
                1. Clarkson et al (92) Byrne + Eston (02)
                  1. DOMS


                    • peaks @24-48h; full recovery 96h
                    1. Protein efflux e.g CK
                      1. Strength loss


                        • most reliable marker
                    2. Effect on Performace
                      1. Endurance
                        1. 4% < TTE (Marcora + Bosio, 07)
                          1. > VE, RER, RPE, La for 3-4 days (Chen et al, 07) < running economy via stride-length (Chen et al, 09)
                          2. Byrne + Eston (02; 02a)
                            1. Wingate
                              1. Jump height
                                1. reduced for 3 days SSC attenuates effects
                              2. Highton et al (09)
                                1. Sprint
                                  1. < 5% @24h+48h
                                  2. Agility
                                    1. < 5% @24h < 8%@48h
                                2. Physiological Response
                                  1. VO2
                                    1. < TTE = VO2 = VO2max > VE > fR
                                    2. Muscle O2
                                      1. slower HHb response despite identical uptake kinetics (Kano et al, 05)
                                      2. > RPE
                                        1. Metabolic
                                          1. Davies et al (11)
                                            1. > Pi
                                              1. < La
                                                1. > PCr
                                            2. Interventions
                                              1. Training
                                                1. Repeated bout effect (Marginson et al, 05)
                                                  1. < strength loss; < pain
                                                    1. < CK activity (Evans et al, 86)
                                                  2. Drugs
                                                    1. NSAIDs
                                                      1. < DOMS; < strength (Tokmakidis et al, 03)
                                                    2. Supplements
                                                      1. Tart Cherry Juice
                                                        1. < strength loss; < pain (Connolly et al, 06)
                                                      2. Cryotherapy
                                                        1. 10-min cold water immersion (Jakeman et al, 09)
                                                          1. no effect - may diminish training adaptation
                                                        2. Massage
                                                          1. < CK; < pain; = strength (Zainuddin et al, 05)
                                                          2. Flexibility
                                                            1. Chen et al (11)
                                                              1. PNF: > peak torque; < CK; < pain; SS close behind
                                                              2. Eston et al (07)
                                                                1. PNF had NO effect on soreness or strength
                                                              3. Compression clothing
                                                                1. McRae et al (11) review: inconclusive, unproven psycho-physiological effects
                                                                  1. < pain; < strength loss (Jakeman et al, 10)
                                                                    1. Born et al (12) MA: Lower body slightly effective on 1) short sprints (<60m) 2) jump height 3) TTE
                                                                      1. Sperlich et al (13) two novel findings: 1) deep blood flow reduced [not elevated] 2) glucose uptake unchanged
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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