New Product Development


Mind Map on New Product Development, created by dinosaurseatyourface on 04/12/2013.
Mind Map by dinosaurseatyourface, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dinosaurseatyourface almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

New Product Development
  1. Cost and Labelling
    1. Price of Packaging
      1. Profit
        1. Ingredients
          1. Amount of Product
            1. Bulk Buying
            2. Process of producing costs
            3. Target Markets
              1. Elderly
                1. Adolescents
                  1. Children
                    1. Babies
                      1. Pregnant Women
                        1. Specific Problem
                          1. Low Fat
                            1. Diabetes
                              1. Coeliac
                                1. Lactose Entolerance
                                  1. teeth decay
                                    1. Osteoperosis
                                2. Gap in Market
                                  1. Breakfat, Dinner, Tea
                                    1. Snacks
                                      1. Dips
                                        1. Cereal bars
                                        2. Party Food
                                          1. Small Bites
                                            1. Mixture of Food
                                              1. No of People
                                              2. Something people may look for
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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