John Dowland


Mind Map on John Dowland, created by haytham96_whitear on 04/13/2013.
Mind Map by haytham96_whitear, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by haytham96_whitear almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

John Dowland
  1. Lute song genre typically plays within the renaissance period along with a counter tenor.
    1. Instrumentation: the use of the viola da gamba adds to the texture, while the melody is sung by a counter tenor.
      1. Tierce de Picardie- the use of the raised 3rd at a cadence in a minor key.
        1. Consonant style, where most of the chords are played in root position.
          1. Carefully placed dissonances to coincide with the expression found through suspensions, conssant 4th and imperfect cadences
            1. False relations are used to highlight how the music of this period is constructed linearly.
              1. Interweaving counterpoint; imitation is a structural form used to reflect the period, within bar 12 on the words “teares.”
                1. Stepwise contours to highlight the lack of melodic flexibility the counter tenor has as the music wasn’t composed vertically.
                  1. Flexible rhythm to present a variation within the piece- e.g. in bar 19 in strain 3 there is a change in time signature 3/2
                    1. resulting in modal harmonics and slight relantando.
                    2. Musica Ficta whereby the music is notated without a key signature but occasional accidentals are added to make the harmony appear correct
                      1. cadences, for example the use of a Tierce de Picardie is used for this affect.
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