Synovial Joints


Mind Map on Synovial Joints, created by ogstainton on 12/27/2013.
Mind Map by ogstainton, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ogstainton about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Synovial Joints
  1. 4 key features of a synovial joint
    1. Ligament
      1. A band of strong fibrous tissue
        1. To connect bone to bone
        2. Synovial Fluid
          1. A slippery fluid that is contained within the joint cavity
            1. To reduce friction between the articular cartilage in the joint
            2. Articular Cartilage
              1. Smooth cartilage which is spongy and covers the ends of the bones in the joint
                1. Absorb shock, and also to prevent friction between the ends of the bones
                2. Joint Capsule
                  1. A tough fibrous tissue which has 2 layers, lying outside the synovial membrane
                    1. Helps strengthen the joint
                  2. 5 types of synovial joints
                    1. Ball and Socket
                      1. Eg - Shoulder
                      2. Hinge
                        1. Eg - Elbow
                        2. Pivot
                          1. Eg - Spine (atlas/axis at top)
                          2. Condyloid
                            1. Eg - Wrist
                            2. Gliding
                              1. Eg - Spine

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