Nazi regime


Mind Map on Nazi regime, created by Lachlan Thorpe on 12/27/2013.
Lachlan Thorpe
Mind Map by Lachlan Thorpe, updated more than 1 year ago
Lachlan Thorpe
Created by Lachlan Thorpe about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Nazi regime
  1. SA vs Army
    1. Hitler needed SA far less than the support of the Elite
      1. Army supported by big businesses
        1. Army essential in gaining Lebensraum
          1. SA beginning to get out of hand
            1. Interfering with law courts
            2. Hitler did not agree with some SA anti-capitalist policies
              1. Night of the long knives 29 jun 34
                1. SA leaders executed by SS
                  1. Schliecher, strasser, Kahr and Rohm all died
                    1. Rohm said to be planning coup
                2. 2 aug 34 Hitler becomes president
                  1. Every soldier swore an oath of loyalty
                  2. Aims
                    1. Strong Germany
                      1. forceful and decisive leader
                        1. Make industry as powerful as before WW1
                          1. Overturn ToV
                          2. Racial Germany
                            1. Aryan race
                              1. removing Jews from positions of power
                                1. rid of people with undesirable qualities
                                2. prevent interracial marriage
                                3. The Volk (people's community)
                                  1. Churches/clubs/parties dissolved or taken over to focus attention on serving volk
                                    1. no free speech
                                  2. How it was run
                                    1. Dictatorship
                                      1. No democracy
                                        1. Weimar was a disaster
                                        2. Decisions in the peoples interest
                                        3. one party state
                                          1. every form of control lead by Nazis
                                          2. Economic success
                                            1. Everyone has jobs and food
                                              1. provide holidays and entertainments for loyal Germans
                                            2. Police state
                                              1. SS and police have absolute power to arrest or execute enemies of the state
                                              2. Propaganda state
                                                1. control what people read/hear/see
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