it provides a relationship through which husband
and wife support each other; this relationship is
built on love and faithfulness
it provides a secure environment for the
bringing up of children
it's a gift from God; it's part of God’s plan for
creation that men and women should live together
The teaching of Jesus in the New Testament
is against divorce
Adultery (sex with someone who you are not married to) is also
wrong according to the teachings of the Ten Commandments
Many churches now allow divorce but a marriage can only be ended by an annulment in
the Roman Catholic Church. This means that the marriage is regarded as never having
taken place for special reasons
Love and Sex
The Christian Church often has very strict views on love and sex.
Christians are encouraged to love one another in a non-sexual way.
The type of love called ‘agape’. The love that Jesus showed to other
people when he gave his life for them:
Christian teaching is generally that sexual intercourse is
wrong unless it happens within a marriage.
In the Church of England the marriage service says that marriage is a
remedy against sin, and to avoid fornication outside marriage.
Christian teaching is traditionally opposed to homosexuality
Despite this teaching, a growing number of Christians today accept that for some
people homosexual relationships are not going against God’s wishes
Love and sex
Islam has very strict views on love and sex.
Muslims view sexual intercourse as an act of worship that
fulfils emotional and physical needs
Having children is the way in which humans can
contribute towards Allah’s creation.
Sexual intercourse is a gift from Allah and therefore can
only take place within a married relationship.
Islam encourages people to marry
and not to lead celibate lives.
Homosexual and lesbian relationships are forbidden by Islam. Some
Muslim lawyers have argued that it is a crime which should be
punished by death.
Men are not allowed to be alone with women other than
their wives in case they are tempted by them:
Marriage and Divorce
Marriages in Islam are often arranged (by the two families
of the bride and groom) but these can only take place with
the consent of both parties. If someone was forced to marry
then the marriage would be invalid.
A man and a woman can remarry twice, but after a third divorce
remarriage to each other cannot take place unless the woman has
been married to another man in the meantime.
Muslims see marriage as a contract but do accept
divorce as a last resort.
A woman can also obtain a divorce, either by an agreement with her
husband or because of his treatment of her.
Marriage and divore
Marriage (kiddushin) is very important in Judaism because
family and the home are thought to be great blessings.
Jewish marriage is intended to be for life but it has always
been accepted that sometimes things do not work out. If the
marriage breaks down and divorce appears to be inevitable,
the man has to give his wife a get. This is a document of
divorce and has to be presented at a rabbinical court
The divorce then takes place after three months
to make sure that the woman is not pregnant.
However a growing number of Jewish men and women do marry
non-Jews. When this happens in an Orthodox family the father
may say kaddish (the memorial prayer said at funerals) to show
that his child is now dead to him.
Love and Sex
Judaism has very strict views on
love and sex
Judaism believes that sexual intercourse is
a very important part of human relationships
but only as part of marriage.
It is not natural for people to choose to be celibate
because marriage and the family are such an important
part of Jewish teaching.
Judaism teaches that the purpose for
sex is not just to have children: it is
also for married people to demonstrate
their love for each other
Homosexuality is forbidden in
the Torah
Jaws are willing to accept homosexual
couples into the Jewish community.